Friday, September 1, 2017


Walker's Pickled Onion

This is the second bag of chips from the (not so) wild shopping spree at Jungle Jim's. After having such a good experience with the ketchup chips, I thought I'd try another Walkers flavor.

On opening the bag I was greeted with a strong, but not unpleasant fragrance of vinegar. These things smell pretty much the same as every salt and vinegar chip I've ever had. I have to admit that this led me to expect disappointment - but it was not to be so.

With the very first chip there was a serious taste of onion. Not just any kind of onion either, but those little pearl onions. It was a taste I can only describe as "green". Oh, and by "serious taste of onion" I mean something along the lines of "my taste buds were just scolded to death by a potato chip for presuming they knew what an onion tasted like."

While these weren't bad, they're not something I would willingly eat a lot of. Kristen liked them, but then she didn't care for the ketchup chips, so ... well, actually I'm not sure what that means.

Rating: 3/5

1 comment:

  1. It means that I have more refined taste than ketchup! ;)

    Though, you could presumably eat the ketchup chips with a hot dog instead of putting ketchup on a hot dog.

