Wednesday, August 30, 2017

For the folks in Canada...

Walkers Tomato Ketchup

I got these chips in a recent unsupervised visit to Jungle Jim's - possibly the most amazing grocery store in the world. There's an earlier post with pictures of some of the other chips I saw there.

Walkers is a UK snack company owned by PepsiCi (which also owns Lays in the US). They've been making funky flavors of chips (or for the UK, "crisps") for quite some time and are really good at it. I remember having their barbecue rib flavored chips many years back and they were frighteningly accurate (especially given that they were vegetarian).

The last time I had ketchup-flavored chips was about 20 years ago in Canada (I guess they're a thing there?). I remember that they were kind of creepy looking, all covered in red powder that came off on my fingers like the cheesy stuff from Cheeto's. So you probably can understand the mild apprehension I felt as I opened this package.

It turns out these are really quite nice. There's no evil-looking red powder, just normal potato chips with a slightly pinkish tint to them.  That being said, the flavor is impressive. It's got a strong tomato taste, slight sweetness, proper ketchup spices, and just enough of a vinegar bite to make you think you've just eaten a chip covered with ketchup.  Well done, Walkers!

Rating:  4/5


  1. Something that I've always found odd - why do the Brits call it "tomato ketchup?" Is there another kind of ketchup that's *not* tomato based?? Do you happen to know, oh wondrous food guru? :-)

  2. The UK also has "Mushroom Ketchup" - which seems to have been the default until the 18th century.
