Monday, September 4, 2017


Tayto Wuster Sauce

Bag three of the Recent Jungle Jim's purchase, Tayto is a brand from  Northern Ireland (easily confused with Tayto Crisps in the Republic of Ireland which is a separate company).

By "Wuster Sauce" I assumed these were meant to be Worcestershire sauce flavored, and I was right. I was greeted with the smell of Worcestershire on opening the bag, and the taste was dead on right. The only iffy part of the experience was a slightly fishy odor from the package that I noticed after a few chips, though given the ingredients in Worcestershire sauce I suspect that's how it should be.

I was a bit amused at the "BIG" bag label. The package seemed like a typical size for a single portion. I'd hate to see a small bag.

I could eat a lot of these.

Rating: 4/5

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