Tuesday, January 9, 2018

This is Verde Action Is!

Kettle Chile Verde

I picked these up at the local Kroger, but before I get into the whole "chip" side of things I'd like to make a couple of comments about packaging. If you're in the chip-packaging business (unlikely) I hope you'll take note of the following (even more unlikely).

First, the material this bag is made of would be suitable for making bullet-proof vests. It doesn't tear or deform easily and the seal at the top (and bottom) of the bag are as strong or stronger than the packaging material itself. This is actually not a good thing if you want your customers to do something like ... I don't know ... maybe open the bag or something.

Second, if you look closely at the top of the package, there's a little notch cut into it.

(evil trap at top of package)

Anyone who has ever opened a plastic package by tearing it at a notch like this knows what happens next; the packaging material will somehow become molecularly unstable and the tear will split the bag all the way down the side to the bottom, spilling chips all over the floor, and rendering the whole thing unsuitable for resealing with a chip-clip. Any uneaten chips will become stale and the party will be ruined. To the designer of this feature I say, "I hate you."

I opened the bag with a pair of scissors.

With that out of the way, let's talk about the actual chips.

The freshly opened (with a pair of scissors) bag had a light scent of vinegar and just a hint of something that could be chili peppers. The chips had a slightly oily sheen to them and the occasional green fleck of spice, but no powdery coating of note.

The flavor was pretty mild at first, but by the second or third chip I could taste onion, garlic, and a bit of something meaty. There was also a hint of a kind of "green" flavor that was probably either tomatillo or chili pepper. The spiciness of the chips kept building with each one, making for a reasonably good burn after four or five. I kept thinking I could taste guacamole but I think that was just a combination of the other flavors.

On the whole, these are really good (except for the packaging). I saved the rest of the bag for later by closing it with a chip-clip.

Rating: 4/5

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