Wednesday, September 6, 2017

They didn't shrimp on flavor

Walkers Prawn Cocktail

Bag four of the (not so) big Jungle Jim's excursion. I'll admit to a little trepidation on this one. I'm a pretty adventurous eater, but something about the idea of shrimp flavored potato chips seems a bit ... iffy. Still, it's for science, right?

On opening the package I was greeted with a strong smell of cocktail sauce - notes of vinegar, ketchup, and a little horseradish in a reasonably pleasant mix. There was also a faint touch of fishiness that was similar to the one in the Wuster chips. That being said, it wasn't a bad smell though, so I continued undeterred.

The taste of the chips was pretty much all cocktail sauce, and pretty good at that. If I stuck my nose into the bag and inhaled deeply at the same time as eating one of the chips the flavor did shift into shrimp cocktail territory, but it didn't really last.

All of this would be good and fine, and I'd say this was a winner of a flavor ... if I hadn't stopped eating them. About a minute after I did though I started to get a strong shrimp aftertaste, and not a good one. It tasted like those precooked, frozen shrimp that you can buy at the grocery, half of which get eaten and the rest sit in a plastic bag for months getting freezer burn before being thawed, sniffed at, and thrown away.

Yeah, iffy.

Rating: 2/5

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