Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blasé Blaze

Doritos Blaze

This is one of those cases where I went ahead and tried the chips even though I expected them to be too spicy. I was not disappointed.

On opening the bag I was greeted by a strong scent of chili powder, with notes of curry. In some ways this was encouraging - it raises the possibility that there's some flavor there other than just "hot".

Powder. These things had some serious powder on them. That's not too surprising for Doritos, I suppose, but there was enough brick-red spice powder here to season a major metropolitan area. Be prepared to wash your hands ... and clothes ... and carpeting ... etc.

So after making the above observations, I steeled myself and ate one. First there was the taste of chili peppers with just a touch of lime and a moderate amount of heat. This was followed by an afterburn suitable to a Falcon 9 rocket. At the end I was left with a slight aftertaste of seared tastebuds.

Cindy said these are the chips to give to your friends who say nothing is ever hot enough. They still won't be hot enough for them, but those guys won't notice how boring the actual taste is.

In summary, they're spicy but there's not enough actual flavor to be worth it.

Rating: 2/5

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