Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Leggo My Fuego!

Barcel Fuego Flavor Burst

So far I haven't found any chips that are too spicy to actually eat. That said, I'm not trying all that hard. I'd like my taste buds to stay functional.

I picked these up at Jungle Jim's recently (where else?) as part of my perpetual search for new and different flavors.

On opening the package I was greeted with a light scent of vinegar, along with hints of citrus and chili pepper.

The chips have a significant amount of red powder. These things are going to stain the fingers - napkins and hand washing are going to be necessary after eating.

The flavor of the chips is good. There's a strong taste of lime and a bit of tartness, with a mild burn that steadily builds as you keep eating.  It builds quite a lot, actually.  Ok, after a small handful of chips I had to stop and drink something.

Consumer Advisory: Guys, if you're going to eat these it is highly recommended you wash your hands afterwards before going to the bathroom.  Just sayin'.

Rating: 3/5

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