Thursday, December 6, 2018

Full-Metal Scottish

Mackie's of Scotland Haggis & Cracked Black Pepper

There are some things I'm going to buy even if I think they might be terrible, and haggis-flavored potato chips (... sorry, crisps ...) are right there at the top of the list.

I should admit here that I've never actually had haggis. That's not from unwillingness on my part as much as because the US government doesn't allow haggis to be sold here. There are some canned things labelled as haggis you can buy but from what I understand they don't contain all the ... stuff ... that is normally used. Someday maybe I'll go to Scotland and have the real thing.

An aside here, do you see the text on the package saying "naturally grown potatoes"?  It kind of bothers me. As opposed to what?  Unnaturally grown potatoes?  Supernaturally grown?  I suppose they want to imply "All Natural" ingredients and organic food and such without tripping over any legally restricted words, but still ...

I opened the package and was greeted with the scent of bacon, along with something that made me think of oatmeal cookies. I guess that makes sense given they're a normal ingredient in haggis.

Another aside, I've now typed the word "haggis" too many times and it's started to lose all meaning. Is "haggis" really a word? I keep looking back up to the photo and it's still there and I'm spelling it the same way. Incidentally, my spell checker isn't bothered at all by "haggis".  Haggis.  Dear God, I've broken my brain.

Anyway, the chips had a moderate amount of flavor powder, ranging from beige to black.

They also had an odd texture to them, kind of like puffed chips, or maybe styrofoam packing material (oh, sure, spellchecker!  "styrofoam" is not allowed but "haggis" is just fine). Just what did they do to these chips to get that texture? Whatever it was it pretty much took out the whole "natural" angle.

As far as flavor goes the chips had a smoky, roast beef taste. There was also a bit of "burned" flavor and the kind of spiciness I associate with freshly cracked black pepper. I think these would be kind of good if it weren't for the whole styrofoam texture thing.

Rating: 2/5

1 comment:

  1. I bought some of the haggis crisps for my husband for Christmas one year. He ate the whole bagful and really liked them. But I can't think of anything he *won't* eat! :-D
